Harsh Bharti

Started investing at the age of 23, and, “you are late but it’s never too late to start” were the words told to me by Col Tandale on our first meeting. The entire journey of wealth creation, asset creation, expenditure, life and career plans was very professionally drafted by Col Tandale to help me create a decent enough lifestyle and for a worry free tomorrow. For something of a direct one to one guidance, Sarang is always just a call away (same generation helps in understanding your financial goals better) and any kind of amendments and decisions which involves huge financial planning and investment is always made easy and more logical. Thorough professionals and I am glad to have been guided and consulted by Renascent Wealth right at the early stage of my life. If you’re looking for a family financial planner just like we have family doctors and lawyers, I recommend you to use the consultation services provided by Renascent Wealth and live a today without worrying about tomorrow.

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